Reproduction of historical horse-drawn carriages
The carriages reproduction department, like the restoration department (see Carriage renovations), is under the personal supervision of the doyen of the family Henryk Glinkowski. This is the most difficult area in the production of carriages, as the contractor often has to face the basic challenge of the lack of technical and source documents.
A single photo of the carriage, a drawing or an image that does not allow the identification of construction details means that the production part must be preceded by an analysis of available historical sources and an attempt to find new ones that would deepen the knowledge about construction solutions and socio-material culture used in vehicles from a given period.
Therefore, the reproduction of historical horse-drawn carriages requires experience, advanced technical facilities, but also knowledge about the history of carriages, which allows Glinkowski engineers to make the right decisions regarding each structural element. Cooperation with historians, horse carriages enthusiasts and collectors from around the world allows us to consult in areas where doubts arise and to overcome them.
Due to the complex nature of carriages reproduction, the work is performed according to the following procedures:
STAGE I - Initial analysis
- determining the client's needs
- analysis of the provided source materials
- consultations with external specialists (historians, enthusiasts, collectors)
- determining the type of materials necessary for reproductions of the horse carriage
- determining the methods and technologies used in the reproductions of the horse carriage
- consultations on how to carry out the reproductions with external specialists (historians, enthusiasts, collectors)
- preparation of a report summarizing the reproductions plan for the customer
- consultation of the report and shipment of material samples to the customer
- introducing possible changes to the reproductions plan
- final customer acceptance
STAGE II - Cost estimation
- estimating the time necessary to perform the agreed scope of work
- estimation of the overall project cost estimate
- presenting the offer to the customer
- negotiations and possible search for alternative solutions
- placing an order by the customer
STAGE III / Production and documentation
- starting the reproductions of the horse carriage
- photographic documentation of each element of the horse carriage
- remote or personal approval by the client of the completion of key stages of the project
- transport of the horse drawn carriage to the customer, preceded by sending the complete project documentation
Process of carriage reproduction designed in such a way guarantees full historical compliance!
In the area of carriage reproductions, three generations of experience in the production of horse-drawn carriages and a passion for many months of restoring the old splendour of carriages are of key importance. The restored carriages constitute a confirmation of huge possibilities of the GLINKOWSKI brand in the field of carriage production not related to competitive horse riding. They build the reputation of our brand, yet the second life that we can give to carriages is the most crucial for us.